How To Do The Best Self Healing

How To Do The Best Self Healing

How To Do The Best Self Healing – For some people who are feeling very burdened or are heartbroken, they definitely need a walktu for themselves. Some people really need a way to be able to treat the pain

1. Taking Personal Time (Me Time)

The first method is to take time for yourself. When you are in a ‘problematic’ condition, it’s a good idea for Smart Buddy to take the time first. Take this time to focus on happiness. The purpose of this me time is to provide a space where Smart Friends can be free.

It never hurts to think about yourself first before returning to mingling with the crowd. In addition, this method can also increase awareness that the life that you are currently living is full of meaning. Make yourself the center of happiness itself.

2. Mindfulness

The second method is mindfulness or also known as mindful thinking. In this condition you can manage your feelings and environmental conditions and then connect them to various points in your mind. In addition, this method can also be useful in interpreting every moment in the life of the world.

The easiest way to practice mindfulness is to focus while closing your eyes in a quiet place. Do focus on what has been done up to this moment. This method can also make Smart Buddy better if it is done regularly before activities.

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3. Dialogue and Making Peace with Yourself

Have a dialogue with yourself and try to make peace. The dialogue referred to here is a condition where Smart Buddy says everything he wants to say. This dialogue aims to train Smart Friends in telling the truth to yourself. Then, how about making peace? If you are honest with yourself, then the next thing is to make peace. Everyone has their own unpleasant experience. But don’t let it take over you. Remember that it all happened. Smart Buddy doesn’t need to blame the situation because the situation itself will help Smart Buddy develop.

4. Self Compassion

In self-healing, there is a term that is often called self-compassion. That is, it is an ability in humans to understand and respond to every emotion and suffering. This method is also still related to the previous point. The purpose of self-compassion is to increase self-care.

5. Write

Writing can be a good way to relieve emotional fatigue. By writing, you can express what you feel directly through pen and paper. Write everything down without worrying about punctuation. This method can be used to train Smart Buddy to be honest with yourself.…