Mental Illness that Can Run in Families

Mental Illness that Can Run in Families

Mental Illness that Can Run in Families – Mental illness is currently a disease that affects many children to adolescents, this disease is often underestimated by some people.

There are many things that cause mental health problems to develop in a person. This problem can feel very complicated; There are biological, emotional, and genetic components involved, which means that some mental health problems run in families.

Although in general a family history of mental illness increases the risk of the disease, most mental illnesses are not completely inherited by one gene. In addition, it does not mean that a child has the same mental illness as that of a parent or other family member.

The good news is that all of these diseases can be treated effectively with cognitive therapy to help patients understand the disorder and how to treat it. So, if one of the problems below is in your family, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Here are some mental health problems that are more likely to run in families.

1. Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by delusions, lack of emotions, and problems thinking. Genetics play a large role in increasing the risk of this disorder.

For example, the lifetime chance of developing schizophrenia is about one percent for the general population, but this chance jumps to 45 percent if both of the person’s biological parents also have schizophrenia.

However, these opportunities are not a definite guarantee. If your family has a history of schizophrenia and you are wondering if you also have this mental illness, consulting your doctor is the best way to find out and discuss future plans.

2. Bipolar

Mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder, can also be genetic. Individuals who have first-degree relatives with depression or bipolar disorder have a higher risk of developing the same disorder.

The lifetime chance of developing bipolar disorder is about two to three percent for the average individual. However, the likelihood jumps to 50 percent if both biological parents have the disorder.

Again, this doesn’t guarantee a diagnosis, but talk to your doctor if you are concerned that you also have bipolar disorder.

3. Eating Disorder

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, it may be because the disorder runs in your family. The risk of developing an eating disorder is more than 50 percent due to genetics.

However, don’t be sad just yet. There are many ways you can work to recover from an eating disorder. So, you should never feel hopeless and don’t get tired of seeking help.

Also Read:Threat of Mental Health Related to Strict Parents

4. Phobias

Many anxiety problems run in families due to learned responses, so it’s not uncommon for someone to inherit the same phobia from parents.

For example, mom always panics whenever she sees spiders or dad is afraid of heights. If you grew up watching them react intensely to these situations, you may have caught the tendency. Phobias are proven to be genetically inherited.

Because we often see mom and dad overreact to something, this can be very ingrained in the child. However, there are ways to deal with phobias. Among the many treatment methods are desensitization techniques, medication, and even support groups.

5. Postpartum depression

Described on the Bustle page, if your mother has postpartum depression, it is possible that that too was a problem for you. Postpartum depression is a mental health problem that can appear a week or two after giving birth, which is characterized by feelings of worry, unhappiness, or tiredness.

When you should feel happy after giving birth, feeling depressed can be a real shock. However, if you know your family has a history of postpartum depression, you may be able to take precautions before the symptoms actually affect your daily life.…