How to Treat Toothache Naturally and Effectively

How to Treat Toothache Naturally and Effectively – Everyone usually has more than one toothache experience. The feeling of throbbing can be very annoying and have a bad impact on daily activities.
Unfortunately, when a toothache sometimes can not be directly overcome by going to the doctor. It is at this time that natural ways to treat toothaches and emergency medicines are needed to relieve pain and numbness. Here are 10 natural and effective ways to treat toothache :

1. Ice compress
The first effective and natural way to treat a toothache is to use an ice pack. The trick is to wrap ice in a towel and touch the swollen part due to a toothache, usually the face or jaw area. Compress for 15-20 minutes is usually able to relieve pain when a toothache.

After the condition feels better, it is advisable to immediately go to the dentist for further examination. Swelling during a toothache is usually caused by an injury, a pocket of pus, or a problem with the root. This condition is at risk of causing a serious infection that can spread to other teeth, if not checked by a dentist as soon as possible.

2. Lifting head
In some cases, lifting the head is effective as a natural and effective way to treat toothache. This method is usually applied when a toothache strikes at night, causing you to be unable to sleep.

The application of this method is to use an extra pillow when you want to rest at night. The raised head prevents increased pressure due to blood flowing to the mouth and head area. The result can be less pain, improve blood circulation, and reduce swelling. When the pain subsides, be sure to immediately see a doctor for further examination and treatment as needed.

3. Gargle salt water
Using salt water to gargle is a way to treat an emergency toothache that is often applied at home. Salt water is a natural antibacterial agent that can reduce inflammation. Salt water is also a natural disinfectant that helps clean teeth from food debris.

To apply this method, simply dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of plain or warm water. The solution is then used as a mouthwash when a toothache. As with other application methods, it is advisable to go to the doctor immediately if the toothache feels better after gargling with salt water.

4. Peppermint tea bag
Research states, peppermint contains menthol compounds that function as anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant. Menthol also has a cooling effect that relieves pain, making it suitable as a way to treat toothache.

For those who want to try this method, you can use a peppermint tea bag that was used. The temperature of the tea bag should not be too hot before applying it to the aching tooth. Another way is to use peppermint tea bags that have been in the freezer. Cold temperatures help relieve pain during toothache before consulting a doctor.

5. Clove oil
The eugenol compound in clove oil has been shown to be effective as a way to treat toothache. As a natural antiseptic, eugenol also reduces the risk of inflammation when there is a disturbance in the oral cavity.

To use clove oil as a toothache remedy, simply put it on a cotton swab that is touched on the aching part. This method can be done several times a day until the pain subsides. Another way is to dissolve clove oil in a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash. The use of clove oil for toothache medicine is not recommended for children because of the risk of swallowing too much.

6. Garlic
Garlic is another household ingredient commonly used as a remedy for toothaches. The allicin compound in garlic has a very strong anti-bacterial effect. Allicin is what helps reduce bacteria in the mouth that causes toothache.

Anti-bacterial also reduces the risk of plaque on the teeth. For those who want to try it, the white bottom can be crushed first into a paste. Garlic mixture can be added to taste salt before being applied to the aching tooth. Another way is to chew fresh garlic directly to relieve toothache. Garlic may not be suitable for everyone because of its very strong aroma.

7. Guava leaves
Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that help heal wounds and relieve toothaches. For how to treat toothache, guava leaves can be chewed directly to help cure toothache. Before chewing guava leaves, you should choose soft and washed.

Another way is to boil guava leaves and use it as a mouthwash. Guava leaves have been shown to be effective as a short-term remedy with a quick effect. After the pain feels lighter, you should immediately see a doctor for further examination.

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8. Shallots
Shallots are an alternative for those who don’t like the smell of garlic as a way to treat toothaches. The anti-microbial and anti-septic compounds in onions help control pain.

As a medicine, onion can be chewed directly to relieve pain. Another way is to crush the onion and attach it to the affected area. When the toothache subsides, you should immediately go to the doctor for further examination.

9. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant that helps keep teeth and mouth clean. The acid content in apple cider vinegar is also able to control bacteria in the oral cavity. This benefit is what causes apple cider vinegar to be an alternative way to treat toothache.

The use of apple cider vinegar as a toothache remedy simply by dissolving it in a glass of water and gargle-gargle. Another way is to drip it in a small cotton roll and apply it to the affected area. This method can be done several times a day until the pain feels lighter.

10. Ginger
Ginger spice contains natural antibiotics that can relieve pain. Ginger is not only used as a way to treat toothache, but also when the stomach feels uncomfortable.

To relieve toothache, ginger can be crushed first and affixed to the aching part. This method can be done several times until the condition feels better and immediately go to the dentist.